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Organizing for the New School Year!

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Organizing for the start of a new school year can be exciting and gives you a  fresh opportunity for a new beginning. However, it can also be overwhelming so we can help you be prepared. Moreover we want to get you ready for the school year on the right foot, so we’ve put together a comprehensive guide on how organizing for going back to school can make this the best year yet. You’ll certainly want to follow these tips to create a smooth transition from summer relaxation to indeed having academic success.

Create  a Back-to-School Checklist


Firstly, a checklist is a great way to start organizing and make sure you have everything you need before the first day of school instead of scrambling at the last minute. Obviously you’ll want to include the specific school supplies (we love these pens!), textbooks, uniforms or school clothes, and any required forms or documents. While there are standard supplies, check with your school for anything in particular they may require. You’ll unquestionably want a sturdy backpack, that will last the year, a lunchbox, and water bottle.

Set Up a Study Space

Secondly, organizing is setting yourself up for success. At home designate a quiet, clutter-free area for a study space. This area should be equipped with essential supplies such as pens, pencils, notebooks, and a computer or tablet. Use a laptop stand to keep the computer elevated in case of spills. To be sure you can see clearly use good task lighting and a comfortable chair that will without a doubt promote productivity. We know you know, but organizing consequently enhances your focus. Additionally, another great tool is noise cancelling headphones if you can’t create a separate study space.

Blue pens and a stylish backpack.

Organize School Supplies

Before you just throw all your stuff in your bag you’ll want to sort through your school supplies organizing them by category. Whenever you have a lot of small items or several categories you will want to use small storage bins, zipper pouches and folders to keep everything in its place. Then to make it easier to keep organized,  once you’ve categorized everything, label each item clearly, so you know where to find it when you need it. This step will explicitly save you time and certainly reduce stress when looking for supplies. Once you have that squared away, don’t forget to protect your laptop with a carrying case.  We suggest getting one that has a pocket to keep the charger along with it.


Use a Planner or Calendar


Something particularly important is keeping track of assignments, tests, and extracurricular activities. It is rather crucial for staying organized. Using a planner or calendar to jot down important dates and deadlines will help keep you grounded and organized. Whenever you start a new planner consider color-coding different subjects or activities for easy reference. Setting up a calendar system for yourself will consequently help you in the future.

Blue padded mat and metal stand.

Meal Prep for Success

Without a doubt planning and preparing meals ahead of time each week will cut down morning chores. On the whole it will help to ensure you’re eating healthy and not to mention saving money. Hello, who doesn’t want that?! Think about preparing lunches and snacks the night before to avoid the morning rush or similarly you could meal prep for the week ahead. We love using bento boxes or portioned containers to keep meals organized and fresh so the food doesn’t touch for those kiddos that prefer that! (Me, I was that kid!)

Set Goals and Prioritize Tasks

Since you want to get the most out of this new school year, try setting clear goals to help you stay focused and motivated. Besides it giving you something to work towards, it additionally helps creates a healthy habit of focusing and project management. You can break down larger tasks into smaller, manageable steps and prioritize them based on deadlines and importance. Use to-do lists to keep track of your progress and certainly to celebrate your accomplishments.

Prepare for Extracurricular Activities

Another thing to think about is if you’re involved in extracurricular activities. You’ll need to organize your equipment and supplies for each activity you are involved in. It can also get complicated with your schedule so creating a large format calendar and schedule ahead of time. A great way to not forget sports gear, musical instruments, or art supplies always keep them in designated areas for easy access. For the busy family, we suggest using a dry erase calendar mounted on your fridge or a central location the whole family can see. Therefore it’s easier to see any overlaps and it will help to manage practice times, games, or rehearsals for the entire family.

Bentgo container and planning boards displayed.

Develop a Morning Routine

Establishing a consistent morning routine can certainly help streamline the start of your day. Instead of winging it when you wake up create an overall plan the night before of what needs to be done. Have a plan for activities such as waking up, getting dressed, eating breakfast, and packing your backpack if you choose to do that in the morning. Not surprisingly, preparing as much as possible the night before can make mornings less hectic. Overall your day will start with a lower stress level and allow for more energy throughout the day. Another great time saving hack is using a closet organizer to prep your clothes for the week. Anything you can do ahead of time will free you up to actually enjoy your mornings.

Organize Digital Files

With so much schoolwork done online, it’s therefore essential to keep your digital files organized. Create folders for each subject and regularly back up important documents thus keeping your work safe and secure. Use cloud storage services like Google Drive or Dropbox so you can access your files from anywhere. Also keeping your desktop screen tidy as well and only have current folders available will unquestionably make life easier.  What’s more, you can create a custom wallpaper with categories like, “working on,” “to do,”  or “finished” on programs like Canva.  

Stay Consistent

The key to creating organizing habits is consistency. With this in mind, you can regularly review and update your planner, clean your study area, and restock supplies as needed. Doing a Sunday night reset helps you see what is or is not working and sets you up for a more organized week. You can implement a new tactic or get rid of something that isn’t working for you. Without a doubt, establishing good habits at the beginning of the school year will help you maintain organization throughout the year.

Class is in Session

Organizing for going back to school doesn’t have to be stressful. By following these tips and creating a structured routine, you’ll set yourself up for a successful and enjoyable school year. Remember, an organized environment leads to a focused mind. Happy studying!

Children walking with backpacks outdoors.
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